Monday 11 August 2008

Growing Taller

Today I had to register with a new GP. I was weighed, measured and given the opportunity to discuss whatever I wanted.

My passport says I am 5ft 7ins. I am now 5ft 8ins! (According to my Doctors measurements).

Actually, I have always known that I have grown this extra inch in the last 10 years. This is a result of doing Pilates exercises that have been strengthening and lengthening my spine, and, importantly, re-learning how to stand correctly.

I am living proof that Pilates can give you an extra inch in height!

Tuesday 5 August 2008

More Exercises for Back Pain

Over the weekend I uploaded 9 new exercises to

The exercises were added to the Equipment Free section. As I mentioned last week, I needed to do some stretches for my upper back, these were the two that were fantastic:

For stretching your upper back this exercise just feels divine:
Forward Spine Stretch
You'll notice how tight you are when you do the exercise, afterwards you'll feel 2 inches taller!

For anyone who feels all knotted and tight across the chest, then this stretch will really help to reduce your tightness:
Chest Stretch

Friday 1 August 2008

Evolution of Man

This picture is one where a picture really does say a thousand words.

Interestingly this drawing dates back to the 1960's and just gets updated every now and again.

I think this version now needs to have a flat screen as it's computer monitor. If anyone want to update the image and post it here, please do. The copyright on the picture is no longer valid either.