Thursday 19 June 2008

Strengthening your back while you sit down

Sitting at a desk can often mean we have a sore uncomfortable back at the end of the day.

Over the years I've worked with hundreds of people who have back pain caused or made worse by their job. Last year I launched a website called Daily Exercise. The website was designed to provide easy to follow exercises to strengthen the back muscles while working at a desk.

Daily Exercise has had heaps of interest, plenty of user comments and even recommendations to go to the website to help back pain.

This year I launched Core Minutes which is a desk top personal trainer for companies to buy for all their staff. Again this has been very I have decided to make this service available to the world - for FREE!

We are just fine tuning the website, so I'll let know when it is ready to go live.

In the meantime, do check out Daily Exercise for some great back strengthening exercises and please feel to contact me with any comments you may have.

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