Tuesday 15 July 2008

Core Strength

We are continually being advised to strengthen our core muscles if we want to prevent back pain.

A lot of us nod sagely and secretly wonder what are our core muscles?

Loosely speaking, core muscles are the ones that are used to keep our bodies strong and protected. They are made up of stabilising muscles, the muscles that we rely on to help protect us from injury.

This relates quite well to back pain. We have an internal muscle within our torso that acts like a girdle. It protects our back and makes us less prone to injury, this muscle is called the transversus abdominus (TA)

If you could find 5 minutes a day to exercise your TA then you will strengthen your back.

Have a go at these exercises http://www.coreminutes.com they are FREE and will keep your back strong,protected and less likely to cause you discomfort.

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