Wednesday 30 July 2008

Upper Back Stretching

I've just had a long weekend where I spent my time house-sitting for my parents.

On the first day the wind was quite forceful and blew down the stack of wood my parents had stored for the winter.

I decided that I would restack the wood for Ma & Pa and proceeded to do my own version of a stone wall with the wood.

The next morning I woke up with a rather sore upper back and neck. It was so uncomfortable that just moving hurt. Yikes, I should know better.

Anyway, I prescribed myself some upper back and neck stretching to do, and, three days later the aches had gone.

I'm just in the process of editing my upper back exercises for daily-exercise, once theses are finished and available, I'll pop a message on this blog.

Ohh, by the way, if anyone is wondering whether I could have avoided the back ache. The answer is yes, by doing stretches post wood wall building. I am now eating humble pie.....

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