Monday 11 August 2008

Growing Taller

Today I had to register with a new GP. I was weighed, measured and given the opportunity to discuss whatever I wanted.

My passport says I am 5ft 7ins. I am now 5ft 8ins! (According to my Doctors measurements).

Actually, I have always known that I have grown this extra inch in the last 10 years. This is a result of doing Pilates exercises that have been strengthening and lengthening my spine, and, importantly, re-learning how to stand correctly.

I am living proof that Pilates can give you an extra inch in height!

Tuesday 5 August 2008

More Exercises for Back Pain

Over the weekend I uploaded 9 new exercises to

The exercises were added to the Equipment Free section. As I mentioned last week, I needed to do some stretches for my upper back, these were the two that were fantastic:

For stretching your upper back this exercise just feels divine:
Forward Spine Stretch
You'll notice how tight you are when you do the exercise, afterwards you'll feel 2 inches taller!

For anyone who feels all knotted and tight across the chest, then this stretch will really help to reduce your tightness:
Chest Stretch

Friday 1 August 2008

Evolution of Man

This picture is one where a picture really does say a thousand words.

Interestingly this drawing dates back to the 1960's and just gets updated every now and again.

I think this version now needs to have a flat screen as it's computer monitor. If anyone want to update the image and post it here, please do. The copyright on the picture is no longer valid either.

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Upper Back Stretching

I've just had a long weekend where I spent my time house-sitting for my parents.

On the first day the wind was quite forceful and blew down the stack of wood my parents had stored for the winter.

I decided that I would restack the wood for Ma & Pa and proceeded to do my own version of a stone wall with the wood.

The next morning I woke up with a rather sore upper back and neck. It was so uncomfortable that just moving hurt. Yikes, I should know better.

Anyway, I prescribed myself some upper back and neck stretching to do, and, three days later the aches had gone.

I'm just in the process of editing my upper back exercises for daily-exercise, once theses are finished and available, I'll pop a message on this blog.

Ohh, by the way, if anyone is wondering whether I could have avoided the back ache. The answer is yes, by doing stretches post wood wall building. I am now eating humble pie.....

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Hamstring Stretch

My partner, Derek, was complaining of lower back pain a few weeks ago. I think he was hinting at wanting a massage to ease his discomfort, instead I gave him a hot pack and directed him to some exercises to lengthen his hamstring muscles.

After diligently doing his stretches for three weeks, his back pain has gone and he can now touch his toes easily!

Back pain and short hamstring muscles usually go hand in hand. If keeping this set of muscles longer is the solution for some people then it certainly beats a physio appointment or painkillers.

Monday 21 July 2008

Farnborough International Air Show

Yesterday I went to the Farnborough International Air Show - it was fantastic.

Primarily I wanted to see the Red Arrows perform. I am in awe of their stunts, to me it is like watching rhythmic gymnastics, their coloured smoke is the equivalent of a gymnasts ribbon. They skip, jump and tumble in the air without falling or crashing, it is unbelievable.

Of course the first thing that occurs to me is how physically strong and fit the pilots must be, in particular their core strength. Whirling and tumbling around in the air at high speed must take its toll on the body and keeping in tip top condition would be paramount.

The Red Arrows also do fly bys, detail of which are usually posted on their website

Friday 18 July 2008

8 out of 10 of US

There is data everywhere on the net that says 8 out of 10 of us will suffer with back pain at some point in our lives.

Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), which include back pain, account for two thirds of all sick leave - that is staggering.

So, what can we do to prevent ourselves becoming part of these statistics?

I will be exploring the possibilities, whether they work or not, over the next few blogs.

Please feel free to add your comments or ideas.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Core Strength

We are continually being advised to strengthen our core muscles if we want to prevent back pain.

A lot of us nod sagely and secretly wonder what are our core muscles?

Loosely speaking, core muscles are the ones that are used to keep our bodies strong and protected. They are made up of stabilising muscles, the muscles that we rely on to help protect us from injury.

This relates quite well to back pain. We have an internal muscle within our torso that acts like a girdle. It protects our back and makes us less prone to injury, this muscle is called the transversus abdominus (TA)

If you could find 5 minutes a day to exercise your TA then you will strengthen your back.

Have a go at these exercises they are FREE and will keep your back strong,protected and less likely to cause you discomfort.

Monday 7 July 2008

FREE Website to Help Back Pain

Today I am please to launch my new website.

I am pleased to announce that I can finally make available my desk top virtual personal training service. It is designed for the desk based worker to use with the aim of keeping them mobile, strong, flexible and less prone to aches and pains. Perfect for preventing RSI, MSDs, and in particular back pain.

Please do have a look at the website:

The service delivers seat based exercises in video format, with or without sound, they are professionally put together, and, the unique thing about Core Minutes is that an exercise programme is generated specifically for you based on your needs. The website has over 300 exercises to choose from, all this for FREE.

If you do use it, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, particularly as I have just launched it and would welcome any user comments.

Thursday 19 June 2008

Strengthening your back while you sit down

Sitting at a desk can often mean we have a sore uncomfortable back at the end of the day.

Over the years I've worked with hundreds of people who have back pain caused or made worse by their job. Last year I launched a website called Daily Exercise. The website was designed to provide easy to follow exercises to strengthen the back muscles while working at a desk.

Daily Exercise has had heaps of interest, plenty of user comments and even recommendations to go to the website to help back pain.

This year I launched Core Minutes which is a desk top personal trainer for companies to buy for all their staff. Again this has been very I have decided to make this service available to the world - for FREE!

We are just fine tuning the website, so I'll let know when it is ready to go live.

In the meantime, do check out Daily Exercise for some great back strengthening exercises and please feel to contact me with any comments you may have.